Need help breaking the habit of smoking? Try something other than sheer determination because willpower alone may not be enough.

When you start smoking, you begin to link certain situations, feelings, and moments with the act of smoking. These connections become deeply ingrained in your brain, shaping your thoughts and beliefs about smoking. Even when you try to quit, you may struggle because simply wanting to stop isn't enough - you need to retrain your brain to break the ingrained habits. That's where LivingFree comes in. Our program uses evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques to help you change your brain's associations with smoking, so you can truly be free from the habit for good. Choose to live free and learn how to quit for good with LivingFree.

About The Course

> Train your brain with science-based cognitive behavioral training

> Enjoy a simple and convenient online format with results in just 12 sessions

> Expose the false beliefs and negative patterns that you have formed and replace them with healthier positive ones

>Become aware of what your subconscious mind is telling you

> Turn your cravings into tools for success

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